how to use someone WhatsApp without any Application (Real trick)

How to use someones WhatsApp Account in your mobile phone without any Application

hello friends welcome to my blog. here you can know about how to use friends or someones WhatsApp in your mobile phone or pc without any Application. yes friends it is possible with successful tricks and no need any third party friends lets follow some steps : 

How does it Work :
you can also watch my youtube video.

Step 1 :  First of all go to the any browser of any device like mobile or pc and open it.

Step 2 :  type on the url bar and click first link.

Step 3 : you can see QR code on your pc or mobile screen.

Step 4 : take your friends or victim's mobile for few seconds.

Step 5 : Open  victim's whats app Account and click the Three dot.

Step 7 : Scan the QR code and after few seconds you can see all the information of WhatsApp Account and you can also send message or change settings etc.

Thank You.
